Gordon Golf Club Directors

President:  John Clarke                                            veron017@hotmail.com

General Business


Vice President: Phil Tomson                                  philiptomson@gordongolfclub.com.au

Membership and Communications               


Captain:  Tony Mulhearn                                           captain@gordongolfclub.com.au

Competition and Rules Enquiries.


Director:  Debra Bock                                               debrabock@bigpond.com



Director:  Penny Summerfield                                 philandpennysummerfield@gmail.com

General competition support


Director:  Michael Drewitt Smith                            mdrewittsmith@hotmail.com

IT and Systems


Director: Damian McEvoy                                     treerific@bigpond.com

Hospitality & Entertainment


General Manager: Ben Evenden                         manager@gordongolfclub.com.au

Club management and Office